The Fish with the Deep Sea Smile is a book written by best-selling children’s author Margaret Wise Brown. This colourfully illustrated book is brought to life by the fun and vivid artwork by Henry Fisher. It is published by Parragon Publishing and available to buy via Amazon:
The book is paperback containing about 32 pages and uses a good size font. The book cover dividers are really handy to bookmark a page.
The Fish with the Deep Sea Smile is about one family’s quest among The Fish with the Deep Sea Smile. There are plenty of different fishes to explore and learn in the deep sea. Fish with blue-green eyes and whiskers three or with electric lights or fish with terrible claws? Did they manage to find the fish with a Deep Sea Smile? I will let you read it yourself.
This is a small book which is great for early readers at reception to year 1 to read. Each sentence rhymes beautifully and is easy to read. My six year old son was able to read it well. Ms C is not great at her reading did struggle a bit but she enjoyed listening to the book loved all the illustrations. The story is fun and enjoyable to read together!
Disclosure: I received this book from the publisher for free. However, they have not paid me for this review, and they do not exercise any editorial control over my review or anything else on this site. We have included Amazon affiliate link to the product. If you click on this and buy, we may earn a small commission but at no additional cost to you. We are a member of Parragon Book Buddy.