Sussed? card games are extremely fun, hilarious conversation card games that will appeal to everyone in the family. It helps to strengthen the bond between family members and bring everyone closer together.
Currently, there are nine different topics of Sussed? card games to choose from and they are suitable for a variety of ages. There are the Action Blue, Wacky Orange, Daring Red, Mindful Green, Fantasy Silver, Hilarious Yellow, Spanish edition, Wonderland US edition and 17+. We have received the Action Blue and Wacky Orange packs. It comes as a pack of cards that is easy to carry and store.
The Wacky Orange pack is suitable for ages seven and above and the Action Blue pack is suitable for ages 10 and above. Both card games can be played with two to eight players. If you require more, you can use ABC cards from another Sussed pack or print extras from
The two packs play in the same way and contain the same number of cards – it’s just that the scenarios are different. There are 73 scenario cards, 8 sets of ABC cards, 8 joker cards and 5 game play cards. Each Scenario card has three different scenario questions and choices.
There are three different ways to play these games. The classic way is where you use your powers of deduction and intuition to predict each other’s answers to different scenarios. The actor is where as a team, can you figure out who the Actor is pretending to be. Last but not least is the icebreaker way where it is your chance to get the conversation going with people you don’t know so well.
Before starting the game, get a pen and paper for scoring. Each player will receive one Scenario card, one set of ABC cards and one Joker card. Each player takes it in turn to be the Reader to read their Scenario card question and everyone places one of their ABC cards facing down according to their chosen answers. If their cards match the Reader card, they score a point. If they have placed their Joker card too, they score another point. Joker cards can only be played once per Reader.
This game can be as short as 5 minutes or as long as you want. Just distribute more Scenario cards to each player for a longer game. The winner will be the person who scored the most points.
We all loved this game as it keeps the conversation going. There was so much laughter and we can’t wait to play it with our friends. It helps us to understand each other better. The cards are well made and it’s a great concept. The game starts at £10.99, which is very good value for money. 10% of profits will go to their chosen charity. It is available to buy online or from Amazon. Definitely a great travel game to pack and play with your family!
Disclosure: We received the samples for the purposes of writing this review, however, all thoughts and opinions remain our own.
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