Summer is about to arrive and for most people that usually means it’s time for a vacation. If you are renting a vacation home you may be wondering exactly how you can go about sprucing up your rented property to make it feel like home in a short time.
Making your vacation rental look like home can help to improve the overall enjoyment of your vacation.
While you may plan to be out and about in the destination that you have chosen, there are times when you will want to relax at your vacation home and you want to make it as comfortable as possible. Here are some tips that will help you do just that.
Start Cleaning
You probably won’t get your vacation rental dirty but it is always a good idea to do a little bit of cleaning on your own. This is especially true in the kitchen.
If there are utensils, pots and pans in there already, make sure that you do a power clean of all these. Ensuring that these things are clean and ready to go is important especially when you have young children.
Make the Home Yours
There are some rentals that have a very impersonal feel to them. This means that all the personal belongings of the homeowner have been removed and it is up to the guests to do whatever they want to make the home their own for the time they will be there.
However, there are cases where homeowners do the opposite. If you find that there are some very personal items still lying around your vacation home, you will need to remove them.
You can find an area in the home and put it away, ideally, this should be in the basement, if the home has one.
Take pictures of how you found the items so that you can replace them when you are leaving. You could also discuss with the homeowner what you plan to do so, that they can come and pick up any items they don’t want to be stored away by you.
Bring some personal items of your own to place around the home. This could be pictures of you and your family or even your favorite set of cushions from home.
Move Furniture Around
One easy way to make a vacation rental feel even more like home is to rearrange the furniture so that the arrangement suits your needs.
Move tables outside to the patio or place chairs there to create a space where you can read or just relax. While the home is yours, do what makes you feel more comfortable.
Make Your Beds Comfy
It’s a great idea to bring your bed sheets and comforters from home if you have an aversion to using bed linens that other people have used before. It also gives you a chance to make your bed as comfortable as possible.
Having a comfy bed can go a long way after a day of exploring. Even if you have not gone exploring, getting a good night’s sleep when you are on vacation is critical to the overall enjoyment of your time.
Bring Scented Candles
Scents can go a long way in making a space more comfortable. One of the best things you can do is to bring your favorite scented candles and light them in the home.
This is especially good when you have just moved into it. Having wonderful relaxing scents available whenever you want is a good way to unwind in the afternoon.
Make the Garage Your Own
If you have items that you are purchasing on your trip you can use the garage as a storage area for these items.
Even if you are car leasing for your vacation, the garage will likely be roomy enough to accommodate any keepsakes that you want to keep out of the bedroom and other areas. This can help to keep the rooms from becoming cluttered.
Get Comfy
Making a vacation home comfortable should be something you strive to achieve. The comfort of the place where you’re staying throughout your vacation can go a long way in making your time enjoyable.
You don’t want to look back on your vacation and think about how bad the accommodations were. You will only want to have good memories of the fun that you had. The best way to ensure that everything goes smoothly with your vacation home is the plan ahead to make it as cozy as possible.
Disclosure: This is a featured post.
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