Irrespective of where you keep your tools, whether, in the garage, your craft room or in an outdoor shed, it’s always important to keep them organized at all times. In any workspace, disorganized tools lower productivity. Additionally, it can be a barrier to creativity and also tends to prevent you from being efficient in your handy tasks. Let’s not forget of all the time we waste in trying to locate a single tool. But most people tend to ask one important question; “how do I get My Tool Shed organized?” Finding the right place for each tool makes it easy for you to them whenever their need arises. Keeping them in order can help minimize stress and inconveniences. Below are 5 tips to organizing your tools at home.
- Choose the Appropriate Storage
When choosing the right storage option for your tools, the most important factor to consider is the ease of access and convenience. You really don’t have to invest in expensive storage cabinets and drawers and all that. It’s important to choose something that is strong and sturdy enough and provides you with enough storage space to contain your tools. For instance, you can mount a rail to hold some tools and brooms in the garage or near shed windows, shelves on the workbench to hold frequently used tools, and cabinets under the workbench to hold light hardware and craft tools.
- Declutter
The best way to approach this would be to invest in a larger workspace trash bin. With this, you have enough space to trash useless items and junk that can later be recycled. In addition to this, it’s important that you set a schedule to clean up all the clutter in your workspace. Setting up a weekly schedule to declutter eats less of your time than it would if you did it on a monthly basis. The more often you do it, the less time it will take. Before using the workbench, get rid of the unnecessary items if any and place tools in their respective storage spaces. Repeat this immediately you’re done with your day’s tasks.
- Utilize the Available Storage Space
Before you store your tools in the available storage spaces, sort them out depending on usage frequency. Avoid crowding the occasionally used tools with the frequently used tools. The tools you use more frequently should be kept closer to the workbench and the occasionally used tools further from the workbench. To create more workspace, you may use the attic or one corner of the basement to store the less frequently used tools.
- Choose the Right Layout
Choosing the right layout helps in grouping your tools depending on use. It’s also one way of ensuring that your most used tools are kept in the easiest to reach places. One way to do this efficiently is to group like items with like items.
- Commit to Routine
Initially, it may seem like a lot of trouble getting your tools organized. However, with a schedule, it would mean that you commit to it. It’s important to take inventory of what you have, checking that every cabinet contains what is supposed to be there and that all the tools have their accessories in place.
Once you’ve followed these tips, you’ll be off on a great start. Organizing your tools will not only help in saving time but you will end up spending less on replacing lost tools.
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[…] save you a lot of stress and time. How many times have you gone to start a job and can’t find your tools? You lose valuable time searching everywhere for that one little thing and thus fall behind with […]