Being a parent is not as easy as ABC and it can seem like a very tough road ahead. Have you prepared for it? Have you got everything ready for your new arrival? When I first became a mum, I had lots of friends share their tips and provide guidance. I was almost overloaded with information. To ease your load, I hope these simple steps make it a lot less overwhelming for you to prepare for your first baby’s arrival.
Step 1 – Look after yourself! It is only when you start looking after yourself, you will be able to look after your new-born. Many mothers seem to overlook their own needs and often don’t realise it. In society today, women are pressurised to be good at everything and this can lead to not looking after themselves. Get yourself comfortable shoes, nursing bras, skin care products, body pillows and vitamins! These will all help you have a comfortable pregnancy.
Step 2 – Line up help for after the birth. It is not shameful to ask for help. Having a new-born can be daunting! Having extra hands to help around the house is such a big bonus. I will forever be grateful for my mother flying over from Singapore and helping around the house. Of course, not all potential helpers will be open to this. But many genuinely want to help you in the best way possible and will appreciate hearing exactly what you need. You can also look into hiring help, such as a postpartum doula, night nanny, or even cleaning service to help out around the house.
Step 3 – Get your hospital bag ready, even if you still have 10 weeks ahead of you. You never know when your little one will make his/her grand entrance! So, it’s important to pack your own bag early and remember your favourite things – slippers, bathrobe, t-shirt. Whatever you need to feel comfortable.
Step 4 – Get your essentials ready! Car seat, nappies, cotton wool, clothing, pram, thermometer and a place to sleep. At this moment in time, baby doesn’t need toys to entertain them. I made the mistake of buying too many toys, only to find out that they weren’t needed for quite some time.
Step 5 – Stock up on food! I was so lucky to have my mother come over and help cook for us, otherwise we would have really struggled. Having frozen ready meals makes life so much easier and gives you more time to look after your baby.
Step 6 – Write down a list of phone numbers like your GP, health visitor, hospital etc. Parents should watch for signs of infection in their new-born. Infections can be picked up during birth or from people handling the baby. If you have any concerns, having these numbers handy will be useful.
Step 7 – Lastly, why not use this New Baby Checklist to make sure you have everything you need in good time before baby arrives? It tells you all you need to know throughout your pregnancy.
I hope my seven easy steps help you prepare for your first baby’s arrival.
Disclosure: This is a featured post.
My hospital bag was ready at about 6 months you can never be too prepared