This is a very simple Chinese New Year Ang Pow Fish tutorial, especially suitable for younger children. For this coming New Year celebration, I am going to host the craft lesson for my Chinese club and to make it easy, I am going to teach my students this simple ang pow fish. If you don’t have square ang pow, then you can use any ang pow packets and cut them into a square shape.
The materials you will need are:
- Square ang pows
- Scissors
- Staplers
Cut 2/3 across the square.
Then pull both ends and stapled it together as shown.
Use the scissors to cut a mouth and use a black marker to mark the eye.
Now you can either hang the ang pow fish using red string and hole puncher or you can use it to decorate your paper plate for wall decoration.
Over the years, I have accumulate used ang pow and now I am cutting out the designs from these to decorate the paper plate. According to our culture, it is rude to reuse ang pow again as it is considered bad luck for the recipient. But they are great for using it for crafts!
This was last weekend where Mr K and Ms C were having a great time decorating their paper plate with used ang pow.
Or if you prefer to make a slightly complicated fish lantern using ang pow, click this link to learn how to make it. This is suitable for older children and adults.