Did the scientist invent insulin before or after vaccination? When did people discovery the Planetary Motion? Not sure, why not check out this Timeline Science & Discoveries to learn and discover the beauty of science!
We have been playing this Timeline Science & Discoveries along with General Interest Timeline and Timeline Inventions! The game includes 110 cards and instructions. The cards are very small with matt surfaces but they are easy to handle. On each card, the top side includes an image and name of the card, and on the date side, it includes the image, date, name of the card and coloured background to facilitate the classification of the cards (Science & Discoveries have an orange background, Inventions have a blue and General Interest is green etc.). If you wish to make the game more challenging, you could mix in all the Timeline games’ cards to play!
The game involves players placing cards that represent events or objects on one side, and the date they occurred on the other side, in a timeline. Players are dealt upwards of four cards (depending on how many players there are) which they have to keep date side down. All the players are not allowed to look at the dates; they have to guess where in the Timeline the event fits and place it there before turning it over to discover whether they were correct. If not, that card gets discarded and that player draws a new card. The winner is the person to get rid of all of their cards first.
Still not sure how to play, why not check out this video! https://youtu.be/96DfDYrb4po
This is another great Timeline game that I would definitely recommend. It is fun and great for learning too! Also not forgetting the Star Wars Timeline which we had reviewed previously.
There are five different versions of the game; Historical Events, Inventions, Music & Cinema, Science & Discoveries and General Interest. They are available from Waterstones and Amazon. It is for ages 8 and above to be played with 2 to 8 players.
Disclosure: We received the sample for the purposes of writing this review however all thoughts and opinions remain our own.
Ruth Wollerton says
Marie Curie – GIRL POWER. Thanks
jacquelinecc says
Brian Cox, clever and makes science fun
Victoria Prince says
Thomas Edison 🙂
Diane Duggan says
Carl Djerassi – the chemist who invented the birth control pill.
Karl Borowy says
Albert Einstein
Natalie Crossan says
Albert Einstein
Val Pownall says
Isaac Newton
Joanna Kasznicki says
Albert Einstein
amy bondoc says
Charles Darwin
Jean Vaughan says
Louis Pasteur
Eva Appleby-Gill says
Charles Darwin
Caroline Shepherd says
Nikola Tesla
Jackie Dawson says
Thomas Edison
Sharon Sheppard says
Albert Einstein
Vickie Jackson says
Alexander Fleming (somewhere down the line I’m related to him too!)
Mandy Hamilton says
Albert Einstgien
Ellie Spider says
Albert Einstein
Jane Middleton says
Albert Einstein
Nancy Bradford says
Marie Curie – she brought us women into the scientific world.
Donna Large says
Charles Darwin
Rach Mccadden says
Charles Darwin
jo liddement says
Charles Darwin as he thought out of the box
Sarah Wilson says
Brian Cox!
Rebecca Howells says
I think you can call the chef Heston a scientist!
Kimberley Ryan says
Marie Curie, although I could probably change my mind many times
Happy Homebird says
Ada Lovelace
Lyla says
Charles Darwin
Sheri Darby says
Charles Darwin
Adeinne Tonner says
I would have to say Albert Einstein
Lisa Wilkinson says
Brian Cox
Tracy G says
Marie Curie
Joanna Butler-Savage says
professor brian cox
kim neville says
Charles Darwin
Michelle O'neill says
Isaac Newton
Sarah Bacchus says
Charles Darwin
Deborah Mackenzie says
Doc Brown (Back to the Future) and Einstein
Anna says
Charles Darwin
Denise C says
Doc Brown in Back To The Future
Zac Farley says
cheryl hadfield says
Marie Curie
Patricia Avery says
Marie Curie 🙂
PamGregory says
Isaac Newton
Jo Carroll says
Marie Curie – the first woman to win a Nobel prize for Science and the only one to win one twice! Credited for the discovery and medical use of x-rays, she died after being exposed to the harmful radiation given off through her life’s work….which has since saved millions of others. x
Rachel Butterworth says
Benjamin Franklin is my favourite inventor.
Karen Hannah says
Brian Cox
pippasmum says
Francis Crick and James Watson for their work on DNA
Emma hunt says
Albert Einstein not just because of his achievements but because he probably brought to us immense knowledge inspite of his mental health issues. A real survivor and the greatest innovator of his time.
Louise Gardener says
Albert Einstein
Kevin Bloomfield says
Brian Cox
Jo m Welsh says
Albert Einstei
Solange says
Albert Einstein
Leila Benhamida says
Charles Darwin
Samantha Ripley says
Marie Curie
Samantha Loughlin says
Brian cox He’s amazing
Jodie Harvey says
Albert Einstein 🙂
Kelly law says
Albert Einstein
sian hallewell says
Prof Brian Cox, love that he translates science into easy words
Michelle Field says
Albert Einstein
Alice Fox says
Marie Curie. “Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have
perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that
we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained.”
Lorraine Bell says
Alexander Graham Bell
Emma says
One of my personal heroes is George Washington Carver 🙂
Leah Wheatley says
Albert Einstein
neringa pakulyte says
Stephen Hawking to err what he has achived is awesome
Rebecca Smith says
Albert Einstein
Susie Wilkinson says
It’s a great debate as to whether psychology is a science, but Freud!
marie powell says
Has to be Albert Einstein…Think its the hair.
Corinne Peat says
Albert Einstein
clairdownham says
thomas edison
laura stewart says
Albert Einstein
Lynsey Buchanan says
Albert Einstein.
chris2468 says
Albert Einstein
Aaron Broad says
Charles Darwin
Liam Bishop says
Stephen Hawking, everything he has accomplished, amazing.
Ruth Harwood says
Newton xx
Sandra Clarke says
Albert Einstein.
Natalie Gillham says
Albert Einstein x
Jo Hutchinson says
Nikola Tesla
Margaret Gallagher says
Brian Cox -amazing knowledge
TracyJo says
Alexander Graham Bell is one of my favourites x
Gillian Brewster says
Science isn’t my specialist subject which is why I have a desire to see children learn as much as possible. But who I can now relate to is Professor Brian Cox, remarkable man.
Susan Smith says
Einstein, a remarkable man
ashleigh allan says
Marie Curie
Annabel Greaves says
Albert Einstein xx
msedollyp says
Brian Cox
Harline says
Mad Wuman says
Thomas Edison 😀
Sam McKean says
Marie Curie
anthony harrington says
Thomas Edison
laura banks says
albert einstein
Becca Staples says
Albert Einstein
jennhaden3 says
I think it would have to be Nikola Tesla
Rachel Craig says
Marie Curie.
Clare Hubbard says
Albert Einstein
maci234 says
Marie Curie
GCforever says
Marie Curie is my favourite though her daughter Irene is also a brilliant scientist.
Tracy K Nixon says
Thomas Alva Edison