Every Christmas, I find it hard to look for the perfect presents for family and friends as there are so many gift ideas. But I found a great solution with Vileda!
If you are a regular reader, you may know that I love cleaning. People who come to my house always said it is immaculate. Yes, I always clean and mop the house. I have a number of gadgets that are constantly in use such as the steam mop, handheld vacuum cleaner and washing machine. I always wish that I have more time to relax than just cleaning the whole house. Cleaning can take hours at a time! If only I had a helping hand, I could just relax and do more baking!
This Christmas, Vileda made this wonderful video which offers the solution for the typical Christmas dilemma by introducing their products: Virobi and Relax Cleaning Robot. They will help typical households to clean the house and give everyone more time to relax and to do their favourite things. Who wants one for Christmas? I would love to have one so I would not need to use my handheld vacuum cleaner to clean every single crumble left by my children after they ate their snacks. The worst time is breakfast time. They always spill their cereal and I have to vacuum it up or sweep it away.
Don’t you wish you could do less cleaning and have more time to do your favourite things? So why check what Vileda have in store for you! It will give you good ideas of what to get your family and friends this Christmas by clicking on the picture. I was amazed that Relax Cleaning Robot only costs £199 which is a great bargain. I would love to get one for my home and give me more time to do my baking! It can also help to vacuum the flour explosion on the floor which is very common in this house!
So what will you be getting from Vileda?
Disclosure: Sponsored by Vileda. Images used with permission.
Sounds great – wonder what Brewster would make of it!!??