Can’t believe that autumn is almost finish and I am still trying to finish writing up my summer activities post! For these activities, I combined them all as they are quite hard to match the letters. This is what we did!
V for Violin
We took them to a musical store and looked at different types of violins. I have to be honest that I had never set foot in a musical store. Taking them to show them was quite daunting. But at the same time, I hoped that by taking them to the store, I could learn something too. We were in Singapore Bishan Junction 8 where they have this store. It is quite small but full of musical instruments. They all look alien to me but we did spot the violin and were able to name others.
V for Vital Signs
Vital signs are used to measure the body’s functions and there are 4 to measure: body temperature, blood pressure, pulse (heart rate), and breathing rate (respiratory rate). We used the ear thermometer to measure temperature. Also I showed them where to feel for their pulse. Unfortunately we are unable to do blood pressure.
W for Watermelon
To do this craft, you will need paper plate, scissors and colouring/felt pens.
X for Xylophone
We had a small Peppa Pig xylophone that we took it out to play with! Ms C loves drumming and making lots of noise!
Y for Yo-yo
I never liked the yo-yo as I have never been good at it. Showing my children how to play with it is very hard as the yo-yo’s string is much longer than them. So they both have to stand on the sofa while practising their yo-yo skills.
Z for Zoo
While we were in Singapore, we visited the zoo and night safari. It was awesome for my children as there are water play areas that they could have stayed all day! They loved it so much that they didn’t want to get dressed. It is worth a visit if you ever go to Singapore for a holiday. But I won’t recommend the night safari as it was too dark to see the animals.
Thanks for reading my Summer Activities. Hopefully next year I will be well ahead of time than dragging the post. Do check out the rest of my posts.
Follow ET Speaks From Home’s board Summer Activities A – Z on Pinterest.
I love the watermelon plate, that’s so effective. Great activities too, I intend to pinch some ones for things to do with my little one 🙂