This half term, we have been busy entertaining and playing with both of our monsters! Why monsters? Because they have boundless energy tearing up the house and we need endless ideas to keep them happy and entertained. I do believe that nothing beats activities that use their own imagination. Not only does it keep them entertained for longer, but often it requires minimal costs. So get their thinking caps on and maybe use items for recycling and engage their imagination to build their own hideaway at home. This involves a lot of mess though but it is a brilliant way to get them out of the way. Or maybe not!
My children are only 6 and 4 but they have plenty of ideas on how to make it comfortable and of course pack it with plenty of food supplies. These are some items you might use to build an awesome fort at home!
A must:
- Thin and big blankets
- Torch
Things to create the structure:
- Sofa
- Chairs
- Pillows
- Cushions
- Stick
- Pegs
- Masking / Duck Tape
Things to personalise your fort:
- Door hanger / Clothes hanger
- Paper and Pen
- Fairy lights
- Drinks
- Crisps
- Fruit
- Cake
- Sleeping bags
- Bear (their favourite soft toy)
- Plastic utensils for pretend play
- Nerf gun (to shoot any invaders)
- Colouring books
- Telephone (to call mum or maybe inviting friends)
- iPad
- DVD player
Both of them are quite young so mummy had to help both of them to build this luxury fort. Didn’t I tell you that mummy is heading to bed and turning off her mobile phone for a couple of hours? Also mummy is going to buy them more stuffs for their fort from writing this. So what are your tips on building an epic fort for your kids?
Ah, Miss C looks so sweet in the fort, it’s such an easy, and cheap way to entertain them
Looks like they have had great fun in their fab fort! Love the flag!
Looks like they have had great fun in their fab fort! Love the flag!