Three Little Dinosaurs is a book written and illustrated by Charles Fuge. The book is suitable for ages 2 to 5. It is published by Parragon. It is a paperback containing about 24 pages. The fonts are various sizes and bold. They are quite easy to read by young reader. It is beautifully illustrated and the dinos are very cute too.
This is a story about three best friends, Scratch, Lofty and Sniff who are very determined to try to fly. They went back to the highest point of the volcano to fly. Of course, they can’t fly but then they met Terry Dactyl, one of the flying dinosaurs who took them on a high-flying adventure!
I read the story to both of my children aged 4 and 5. This is a very simple, easy to understand story. The amount of content in the book is sufficient. We all enjoyed reading the book. Mr K, my son who also loves to dream of flying started jumping off my bed to pretend to fly. I do think that this book helps to encourage children to dream their dreams. It has definitely helped Mr K sleep nicely dreaming of himself flying.
Disclosure: I received this book from the publisher for free. However, they have not paid me for this review, and they do not exercise any editorial control over my review or anything else on this site.
My daughter is obsessed with dinosaurs at the moment & would love this
My sons would love this book, they love anything dinosaur