It has been three weeks since both children started reception and pre-school. We have been trialling walking plus using our pram from a pub’s car park and from nearby shops.
When Ms C saw other children either riding a scooter, bicycle or pushing a doll’s pram to school, she decided it was time to ditch her pram. She now wants to use her Igglepiggle scooter and act like a big girl! At first, I was more than happy for her to get active and do some exercise which is obviously good for her. After using her scooter for just one day, she had a massive meltdown this morning. Is she ready to ditch her pram? Well, the answer is no!
Firstly, she refused to go up a small slope and insisted she was very tired. Secondly, she insisted I go back to the car to get her pram. I refused to listen to her and kept encouraging her to keep up with us. In the end, I had to carry her with her scooter up the hill as she had embarrassed me by saying over and over again “mummy, I am so tired”.
Once we reached the school gate, I asked her to walk to her classroom. She had another meltdown and sat down on her scooter while I pushed her along. Before she got inside her class, we had a talk and she said, “mummy I want to sit in the pram! No more scooter!” My eyes rolled! What am I going to do to get her active?
Does anyone have any thoughts to encourage my daughter to ditch her pram and get active?
Aww bless, its they want to grow fast some times they soon realise is not always fun to be ‘big’ its great that you did give it a try and let her find out for herself how much walking she can do at the moment. Two kids off to school eh, what a transition I hope they both enjoy the year, learning new things and making friends.
Hi Eileen, I think you did the right thing by encouraging her to try and make it to the top of the hill. Addison is nearly 4 and way too heavy for me to physically pick up for long periods of time. I’ve told Addison to use her scooter and we’ve been out for lots of practice runs and as soon as she hits 4 in October the buggy will be up for sale as I don’t think it’s safe for her to be in it at this age and also it will encourage her to be lazy. For Ms C maybe it will just be a case of using the scooter more and more, Roo rides hers at home out in our close and also round the garden. Could she do this?