June is always associated with Wimbledon, Strawberries and of course Summer! It is the start of the fruit picking season and HAY FEVER! Last week, we went to Manor Farm Pick Your Own (PYO) at Tamworth and picked strawberries and gooseberries. As for the rest of the fruits like Blackberries, Blackcurrants, Redcurrants, Tayberries and Loganberries, these should be ready around end of June.
Unfortunately, after walking down the second row of strawberries, the trip had to be abandoned. My son and I suddenly got swollen eyes and the hay fever started. But it is great that both of my children enjoyed looking for and picking big, juicy strawberries through the thick leaves!
Next time before we go fruit picking, we will have to equip ourselves with swimming goggles and a face mask.
I rate this activity:
Fun 100%
Fruit 100%
Hay fever -100%
Picking your own fruits is definitely a fun activity for both adults and children alike. Believe you all had a wonderful time if not for hay fever. As we can see, Kieren is still smiling brightly picking his own strawberries even though he is affected by hay fever. This experience would surrely be an unforgettable one for him.