Have you ever wondered about the magical world of blood? How does it work? How much blood do you have in your lifetime? In fact, when was the last time you stopped to appreciate all the good stuff your blood does for you? Without it, you won’t be able to be here reading this post.
Did you know that by giving your extraordinary blood to others is a lifeline in an emergency and for people who need long-term treatments? Your extraordinary blood saves lives! Without it, many people would not be alive today. I know it is easier said than done. What has stopped you from giving blood? Is it your long working hours, your busy lifestyle or you are uncertain about the information from giving blood?
With these thoughts in mind, Medical Travel Compared, a specialist medical travel insurance comparison site, has recently created an interactive tool called ‘You & Your Extraordinary Blood’ to raise awareness for blood donation. Through this interactive tool, they help you to understand how much blood you have, what the breakdown of your blood is, how many lives get saved by donating etc. Blood is the most precious gift that anyone can give to another person. It is the gift of life.
Simply by put in your weight (in stones and pounds), it gives you your unique information. It is also a family-friendly tool so children can learn all about their amazing blood too. I hope this interactive tool will put you at ease and hopefully help you decide to donate your blood.
I first started to donate blood was when I was a nursing student in Nan Yang Polytechnic nursing school. Working on my nursing attachments, I have seen so many patients needing blood and how blood saves lives. So I made a decision to donate blood to help save lives. The only time I was not allowed to donate blood was when I went for a Rotaract Club community overseas outreach in Thailand. Before the mission trip, we all had to take malaria pills to protect ourselves from dengue fever. Nevertheless, I had to wait for a year before I was able to resume donating blood. If you want to know more about the restrictions on giving blood, then check out the Blood website here.
So have you thought about donating blood? What has stopped you from donating blood? Let me know in the comments.
Disclosure: This is a featured post.