The Faithful Spy tells the true story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer who conspired to kill Hitler. It’s a very well written book by John Hendrix, who has done extensive research about Dietrich Bonhoeffer by personally visiting the sites in Germany and gaining personal access to the original papers and letter of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Eberhard Bathge.
In his signature style of interwoven handwritten text and art, the author tells the true story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a pastor who makes the ultimate sacrifice in order to free the German people from oppression during World War II.
This well detailed comic illustrated book provides a captivating account of the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. It takes you through the ups and downs of his faith and belief, and how he spoke out against the Nazi party and led a breakaway church that rebelled against racist and nationalist beliefs of the Third Reich. Struggling to reconcile his faith and the teachings of the Bible with the Nazi Party’s agenda, Bonhoeffer decides that Hitler must be stopped by any means possible. He escapes as a fugitive and helps others fight against the Nazis.
Mr K enjoys reading the book, especially with the tri-colour illustration which provides more intensity to the feel of the book. It didn’t take Mr K too long to finish reading the book as the content is captivating. This book will appeal to older children, teens and adults. The Faithful Spy is available to buy from good bookstores, online and Amazon. Click here to check out more from Abrams & Chronicle Books:
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