Do you always feel defeated after coming back from holiday with mountains of unwashed laundry waiting at a corner for you to clean and pack away? This is what I always fear when coming home with a family of four, especially after a weekend away at the beach! The amount of sand we bring back through our clothing from holiday can fill up a bucket to make a sandcastle!
As our lives are already so busy, digital services that make our days easier to manage have soared in popularity, like online food shopping, online takeaway, Uber, etc., practically everything can be ordered to our convenience.
So I am pleased to learn about this leading on-demand Laundryheap service that will pick up your dirty washing or dry cleaning, and return it washed and folded depending on how would you like it.
With the click of a mouse or the tap of an app on App Store or Google Play, anyone can pass on their unwanted chores to Laundryheap for a reasonable fee to have their laundry picked up, washed and delivered within 24 hours.
You can use them either on a regular basis or on a one-off emergency, like after a long holiday or simply because there is just too much laundry to do! I can totally relate to anyone who has a family like mine, who are going through a massive amount of laundry, especially during this hot summer! There are no words to describe how I feel! Also not forgetting the amount of time you have to spend ironing some of the clothes!
Laundryheap provides ‘on-demand’ laundry, dry-cleaning and ironing services throughout the whole of London, Birmingham, Coventry, Manchester, Dublin, Dubai, Sharjah and Amsterdam. It couldn’t be a more simple, affordable, and convenient way of getting your laundry sorted. Sometimes I do wish I live in a big city to enjoy some of the conveniences, like this service. Sometimes being able to save that amount of time by using their free pick up service is priceless so you can spend more quality time with your family and not be stuck ironing. Have you heard about them before? If not, why not try them out and let me know.
Disclosure: This is a featured post. Image used with permission.
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