The lovely Kelly from Writings, Ramblings and Reviews has tagged me to join in with this Christmas meme.
So here goes, let’s get into the Christmas Spirit!
Q1. What’s your favourite thing about Christmas?
Q2. What’s your favourite make-up look for the festive season?
I am not into make up.
Q3. Real or fake tree?
Fake. I can use it again and again.
Q4. Giving or receiving presents?
Giving. I love shopping and wrapping presents!
Q5. Do you open your presents on Christmas morning or evening?
It have to be morning. I can’t wait for that long.
Q6. Handmade Christmas cards or bought?
Both. I will send handmade to my relatives and bought cards to others.
Q7. What’s your favourite Christmas film?
Love actually. Hugh Grant is my favourite! I love to watch the movies he starred in.
Q8. What’s your favourite Christmas food?
It have to be all sort of party foods like spring rolls, pig in a blanket, piri piri chicken wings etc.
And now I tag some these bloggers that i met on PlayFest to share their Christmas with me! Ness, Laura & Lisa.
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