I think most children love doing art and craft as they get to show their creative skills and have fun at the same time. Mr K loves to draw buildings, spider man and treasure maps! Today, he drew a house in autumn in school. As it was so dark and misty out there, he coloured the sky black. Bless him. The weather was not so nice in Lichfield today.
As for Ms C, she did this stick and paste of an autumn tree in her pre-school. Simple yet nice. It was great to see that their nursery teacher taught them about the seasons cycle of trees in autumn.
She also made a ghost figure using a flat wooden spoon/spatula covered with tissue. It is tied with a black pipe cleaner. There are purple stickers on it for the face! How clever is that!
While at home, I tried to get everyone into Halloween spirit by getting her a cardboard spider, bought from the supermarket. The cardboard has holes that we threaded the pipe cleaners and stuck stickers onto the spider.
She is so proud of her Halloween spider. It will be used to decorate the horror corner of the house!
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