We are a big fan of the Cbeebies channel. My children love to watch Mister Maker, Grandpa In My Pocket, In The Night Garden, Baby Jake, Cloudbabies and a lot more. We first got to know Cloudbabies earlier this year in May 2012 when they first showed it on Cbeebies. Now both of my children are in full time school, they missed their favourite Cbeebies shows.
We were therefore delighted that Cloudbabies was made into DVD – Abbey Home Media! The DVD will be released on 12th November 2012. We were lucky to get a copy of Cloudbabies – Fly Away Home DVD to review! The children couldn’t wait to open up the DVD to watch it.
For those who don’t know what is Cloudbabies:
Cloudbabies is an animated pre-school series about four enchanting, childlike characters, Baba Pink, Baba Blue, Baba Yellow and Baba Green whose job is to look after the sky and their Sky Friends, Sun, Moon, Rainbow, Fuffa Cloud and Little Star.
They live together with Bobo White, a mischievous little Sky Imp, in a house on a big fluffy cloud. Every morning, they jump on their Skyhorsies and begin their day’s work of looking after the sky.
The series promotes caring for others and the world around us and also introduces children to notions such as day and night, sun and moon, rainbow and the stars.
Mr K and Ms C decided to name all of us as Cloudbabies. Baba Pink is Ms C, Baba Blue is daddy, Baba Yellow is me and Baba Green is Mr K.
There are a total of 6 episodes on the DVD:
- Fly Away Home
- The Right Colour to Be
- Best Bouncer
- Baba Pink’s Bossy Day
- Superdonk
- Painting the Door
This DVD also comes with a FREE reward chart and stickers! It is of great use for us right now as we are trying to get Ms C to eat her fruit and vegetables. This is her and her reward chart that she is proudly showing off.
Both of my children love Cloudbabies and have been watching it while eating their breakfast. I have a gadget son who knows how to operate the DVD player very well.
Disclosure: We received the sample for the purposes of writing this review, however, all thoughts and opinions remain our own. Image used with permission.
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